Teaching office
For information and help for enrolling in Informatriculation courses: https://web.unipv.it/formazione/futuri-studenti/scienze-politiche/
For information and submitting documentation for students who are already enrolled:
Student Office of the Humanities Faculty
Via S. Agostino, 1 – Pavia
Tel. + 39 0382 98 98 98
Fax 0382 25133
FILO DIRETTO with the Student Administrative Office
- Daniela Scovenna
Organisation of teaching, Quality Assurance groups [SP&RI, SERI, SAA, GPP, CIM, CoD], Teachers' and contract teachers' programmes/registers, Educational seminars (resolutions and calls for tenders), Teaching councils for Communication and Global History of Civilizations and Territories, Degree courses in Communication, Preparation of resolutions for Department Councils.
email: daniela.scovenna@unipv.it
Tel. +390382984538
- Elena Laurenti
Resolutions in cases involving students (all degree courses), Admission to both first cycle and master's degree programmes, students with part-time enrollment, Student mobility for Political Science Degree courses (Erasmus) and communication (with the support of Prof. Ghia), Internationalisation (double degree), WPIR Quality Assurance Group.
email: elena.laurenti@unipv.it
Tel. +39 0382 986913
- Alessandra Bianchi
Internships, Tutoring, Assistant to the Joint Commission
email: alessandra.bianchi@unipv.it
Phone +39 0382 984809
- Claudia Parimbelli
Timetables, Classrooms, Management of exams, Degrees in Political Sciences.§
email: claudia.parimbelli@unipv.it
Tel. +390382984357