Campus life

In this section, you can find all the tips and information needed to organize your stay in Pavia.

Content of interest can be selected from the sidebar.

Pavia has a lot to offer in terms of sports activities and facilities, and was internationally recognized as European City of Sport in 2014. For walkers and runners there are beautiful paths in Parco del Ticino and Parco della Vernavola, whilst the university sports center offers courses in numerous disciplines.
The Centro Universitario Sportivo (CUS) was founded in 1946, and currently has over 2800 members, offering many sports on competitive and non-competitive levels. Courses available include: canoeing, rowing, fencing, climbing, fitness, athletics, basketball, volleyball, football, tag rugby, archery, pilates and yoga.

Pavia offers: 2 sports halls, 4 public swimming pools, 3 private sports clubs, 26 school gyms, 8 university gyms, 20 multi-purpose playing fields, 15 football pitches, 5 boules areas, 4 private equestrian centers, 20 tennis fields, and numerous other facilities including golf courses and skating rinks.


With the Ticino River running through Pavia, canoeing and rowing are some of the most popular sports.

Canoeing courses range from those aimed at beginners to those aimed at professionals. Professional canoeing is Pavia is particularly strong, with CUS canoeists having won over 50 Italian championships. Every year, there is also the Vigevano-Pavia Marathon down the Ticino.
Rowing in Pavia took has dominated the sports scene since the first Pisa-Pavia Regatta in 1929, which still takes place annually. To date, Pavia student athletes have won 123 World Championship and Olympic medals.

Indeed, elite athletes are able to study at the University of Pavia, whilst also competing, thanks to the ‘Dual Career’ initiative.


– Participation in the Sword Championship with both a male and a female team
(Women- Series A, Men- Series B1)
– Competes in regional, national and international competitions
– Participates in CNUs-National University Championships- individuals and teams
– Organizes the Città di Pavia Trophy as part of the federal competition circuit

– Participates in track competitions, cross-country races and other competitions- both male and female
– Competes in federal competitions and CNUs

– Women compete in Series C of Regional Championship and Provincial Championships 2nd Division
– Men compete in Series D of Regional Championships and Provincial Championships 1st Division
– Participates in CSI Mixed Championship

– Men’s First team competes in Series C1 of the National Championship
– Women’s First team competes in Series A of the National Championship

– Participation in federal competitions
– Organizes the Città di Pavia Trophy as part of the federal competition circuit


Owing to the University of Pavia’s college system, sport competitions also exist on a collegiate level. Since 1998/99, there has been a College Trophy, where students compete in basketball, volleyball, football, beach volley, basketball, and athletics, as well as in the dragon boat race.


  • Zudda Rizza (meaning goosebumps): athletics course including running, long jump, and shot put
  • Access to a Paralympic discipline: athletics, canoeing, fencing, and archery
  • Abili si Diventa


– Gym with weight room and 4 studiosPersonal training

– Wide variety of courses

– Dance school: classic and contemporary, African, Latin American
– Pool: free swimming, swim school, acqua fitness, competitive swimming including water polo and synchronized swimming
– Outdoor pool in the summer months
– Spa
– Rehabilitation activities

University Library System (SiBA)

The University Library System consists of 9 libraries, to serve the various faculties. Included are:

  • Biblioteca della Scienza e della Tecnica (Science and Technology)
  • Biblioteca della Scienze (Science)
  • Biblioteca di Area Media “Adolfo Ferrata” (Medicine)
  • Biblioteca di Economica (Economics)
  • Biblioteca di Giurisprudenze (Law)
  • Biblioteca di Scienze Politiche e Sociali (Political and Social Science)
  • Biblioteca di Dipartimento di Musicologia e Beni Culturali (Musicology and Cultural Heritage)
  • Biblioteca di Studi Umanistici (Humanities)

Documents owned by these libraries are listed in the Online Public Access Catalogue, so students can locate their required books. The Catologue also includes documents offered in public libraries.

For more information see the website:

Other libraries

tudents can access more than 130 libraries located in Pavia and its province, holding 1,500,000 documents. Despite its name, the picturesque Biblioteca Universitaria di Pavia is not one of the University libraries, but can be accessed by students. Although not open as a study area, it is possible to borrow books and read manuscripts.

As each library has different opening hours and rules, it is best to consult their specific webpage.

Other resources include museums, research centres, and the new Pavia Digital Archive.


Your course instructors will give you information about the books and course materials you will need. In some instances, you may receive handouts; in others you’ll have to purchase the necessary materials. The course books are available at the libraries.
Books can be borrowed for one month if they are not part of an official exam bibliography, in which case the loan could be as short as a few hours.

You may photocopy in libraries, but please note that in Italy it is illegal to photocopy more than 15% of a book.

Study Rooms

Central Campus (“Polo Centrale”) 08.00 – 19.30

  • “Aula Studentesse” – Strada Nuova 65 – maximum capacity 22 seats
  • “Aula di Scienze Politiche” – Strada Nuova 65 – maximum capacity 26 seats

San Felice building (“Palazzo San Felice”) 09.00 – 18.30

  • “Chiesetta di San Felice”  – Via S. Felice 5, at Economics Department – maximum capacity 45 seats

Cravino Campus (“Polo Cravino”) 09.00 – 18.30

  • “Aula Ed. Didattica” – maximum capacity 28 seats
  • “Aula Melanzana” – first floor – maximum capacity 22 seats
  • “Aula Melanzana” – ground floor (temporarily closed)


Italian Language Courses

The University of Pavia Language Centre runs Italian language courses throughout the academic year. They are mainly addressed to Erasmus+, international exchange and enrolled students, but they are also open to anyone who is interested in learning the Italian language

Course formats

Semester course

  • Start date: October and February
  • Levels: A1 – A2 – B1 – B2
  • Teaching: 50 hours, 2 evening lessons per week

Intensive courses

  • Start dates: November and March
  • Levels: A1 – A2 – B1 – B2
  • Teaching: 50 hours, 2 hours per day (evening lessons)


Students who attend at least 80% of the course will be allowed to take the final exam. Students passing the final exam will receive a certificate of attendance reporting the final grade and the linguistic level achieved.
5 ECTS credits will be assigned to Erasmus+ students and other international exchange students with Pavia University passing the final exam.
The final exam is not compuslory.

For all information and to enrol visit the Language Centre’s website.

The University Museum System offers a variety of museums and collections of interest to both students and the general public. Museums are usually free to access to UNIPV students.

University History Museum

Palazzo Universitario, Corso Strada Nuova, 65, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 984707

Inaugurated in 1936, the University Museum holds manuscripts, texts, and scientific instruments. There is also a library with around 2000 volumes, mostly dedicated to scientific history, and an archive with a variety of documents, the most consistent of which focus on medicine.

Opening Hours
Monday: 14.00-17.00
Wednesday: 9.00-12.00
Friday: 9.00-13.00
Archive Opening Hours
Monday: 9.00-12.00/14.30-16.30
Tuesday: 9.00-12.00/14.30-16.30
Friday: 9.00-11.00

Kosmos Natural History Museum

Palazzo Botta, Piazza Botta, 9, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 986220

The newest of the University museums, Kosmos takes inspiration from the theme of travel, showcasing the journey of natural history. It boasts one of the world’s oldest zoological collections and has around 500 exhibits accompanied by games, videos and interactive workstations.

Opening Hours
Tuesday-Saturday: 10-00-18-00

Electrical Technology Museum

Via Adolfo Ferrata, 6, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 984106

It was opened in 2007, and hosts a permanent homage to Alessandro Volta, UNIPV professor and inventor of the battery. A visit will involve retracing the history of electricity, from its discovery to its use on an industrial scale.

Opening Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9.00-13.00/14.00-16.30
Every first Saturday of the month: 16.00-19.00

Archeology Museum

Palazzo Universitario, Corso Strada Nuova, 65, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 984199

Founded in 1819, the Archeology Museums hosts a wide variety of collections that cover a chronological arc from prehistory to late-antique. Visitors will find sculptures, pottery, coins, inscriptions, and 2 Egyptian mummies.

Opening Hours
Monday: 14.00-17.00
Thursday: 9.00-12.00
Fourth Saturday of the month: 15.30-18.30

There is also a library and archive accessible on request.

Camillo Golgi Museum

Palazzo Botta, Piazza Botta, 10, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 986491

Opened in 2012, this museum is housed in an authentic setting with visitors discovering the roots of the first Italian Nobel Prize in Medicine, before exploring the most important discoveries of Camillo Golgi, and finally the achievements of Golgi students. The museum also features Camillo Golgi’s lecture hall and the remains of the ancient Museums of the History of Pharmacy.

Opening Times
Wednesday: 9.30-12.00
Other days by appointment

Learn about Camillo Golgi and UNIPV’s other famous alumni here.

Mineralogy Museum

Via Ferrata, 1, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 985873

A visit to the Mineralogy Museums will uncover the hidden world of rocks and their development, as well as their use in everyday objects. The museum is organized in two parts: mineralogical systematics and mineralogical samples of major regional interest and size.

Opening Times
Monday-Thursday: 14.00-16.30
Friday: 9.00-12.00

Botanical Gardens

Via S. Epifano, 14, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 22534 (for guided tours)

Established at the end of the 18th century and managed by UNIPV, the gardens cover about 2 hectares of land and feature a wide variety of plants, some of which are protected and rare. As well as the outside area, there is also a museum with living collections and herbariums.

Opening Times
Monday-Thursday: 9.00-12.30/14.30-17.00

Collection of Musical Instruments

Corso Garibaldi, 178, 26100, Cremona
Tel: +39 0372 33925

The collection includes a variety of keyboard instruments from the second half of the eighteenth century; string, wind and percussion instruments from the 1960s-70s; and music from the beginning of the twentieth century.

Opening Times
Tuesday: 16.00-18.30
Thursday: 14.00-16.30
Other times by appointment

The following collections are currently closed to the public but are accessible to scholars by appointment.

Chemistry Museum

Viale Taramelli, 16, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 987867
A collection of tools and materials showing the evolution of research and teaching in the chemical field.

Physics Museum

Via Bassi, 6, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 987687
A variety of devices, the oldest of which date back to the early 20th Century. There is a particular focus on spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance.

Mathematics Collection

Via Ferrata, 5, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 505600
Collection of mathematical models, among the most important of their kind in Italy. They date back to the end of the 19th century. There are more than 160 pieces including Pascal’s Intergraph and the famous “Beltrami cap”.

Phsyiology Collection

Via Forlanini, 6, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 984707
A collection of instruments used is physiological research from the foundation of the Insitute of Physiology by Eusebio Oehl in 1860, to the years after WWII.

Histology and Embryology Collection

Via Forlanini, 10, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 984707
A collection of material used for teaching and research including embryological models and microscopes for the first half of the twentieth century.

Catteneo Anatomy Collection

Via Forlanini, 8, 27100, Pavia
Tel: +39 0382 987647
Created at the end of the eighteenth century, this collection includes osteology, angiology, embryology, splanchnology, esthesiology, neurology and topographical anatomy.