Program Objectives
The Bachelor’s program in “Social Sciences for Global Challenges” provides students with
the interdisciplinary tools of social sciences and administration needed to understand the
causes, nature and evolution of political, economic, demographic, climate and health-
related challenges that increasingly affect contemporary societies at all levels (local,
national and supranational). In addition, the program also provides the organizational skills
to work effectively in public administrations and within international and national
In the constant effort to develop strategies and responses to problems that affect a
growing numbers of individuals and communities, international organizations and
administrations increasingly need the contribution of the social sciences and their ability to
take into account the links between the local and global levels, to engage in dialogue
across administrative, legal, economic, political, health, and environmental dimensions that
do not always communicate with each other, and to grasp the impact of these processes
on the lives of individuals and groups.
The program aims to train professionals who can contribute to the excellence and
operational effectiveness of national and international organizations, public administrations
and third-sector organizations, with particular reference to those dealing with global
challenges (such as climate change, biodiversity, health, growing inequalities, migrations,
population ageing). Students will be equipped to address the legal, social, political and
economic challenges that characterize complex organizations and to develop a critical
interpretation of ongoing change by drawing on the organizational models of both
international and private institutions (e.g. service providers, non-profit organizations, social
Through the program, students will develop multidisciplinary competences in the following
areas: Political and Social Sciences, Law, Economics, History, Statistics, Anthropology and
Foreign languages, with additional competences in Maths, Epidemiology and Complexity
Theory. Students will be equipped with the necessary language and communication skills
to engage effectively in academic and professional communication at both national and
international levels. To this end, students will also have the opportunity to participate in
several study abroad programs offered by the University of Pavia (Erasmus+ study,
Erasmus traineeship, Overseas and extra-European international exchange programs). An
Italian language course is additionally offered to foreign students.
The program follows a progressive, interdisciplinary academic path: while the first year
provides students with the necessary knowledge and theoretical tools, the second and
third years offer more specialized courses, and at the same time focus on the development
of interdisciplinary and soft skills essential to operate in a multifaceted and international
environment (including teamwork, critical argumentation, problem solving). As a way to
focus on specific interest areas, we offer a wide range of elective courses. The Degree
Program also offers the opportunity to participate in curricular internships or training
activities within national and international qualified organizations to provide a more
practical and career-oriented experience.
At the end of the third year, students will write a research thesis under the supervision of a
member of the Department.
The degree in Social Sciences for Global Challenges prepares for a job placement in public administrations (central and local), in international organizations, in private profit and non-profit companies, in social, political, economic, historical research institutes, in the third sector. The proposed course of study then finds a natural outlet both in the Master's Degrees currently offered by the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia and in the Master's courses offered by other national and international universities.
The initial preparation of students will be verified in accordance with the Didactic Regulations of the degree course. Any educational debts deriving from deficiencies in the aforementioned knowledge must be filled within the first year of the course, according to the procedures provided for by the aforementioned Regulations.
The graduate in Social Sciences for Global Challenges will develop multidisciplinary and transversal qualitative-quantitative methodological skills (in particular related to economic, statistical, legal, historical, political, anthropological and sociological disciplines) that allow them to operate in public administrations, international organizations and private sectors at both national and international level.
Graduates develop: ability to collect and analyze information and data by critically evaluating their source; skills in the field of international relations and the activities of international organizations in the various fields of activity; in-depth knowledge of Change Management mechanisms, ability to participate in organizational processes to deal with risks and problems related to global challenges; ability to navigate different administrative models on different continents; technical skills in management and data analysis; writing skills in English for a technical/administrative audience; public speaking in English. The linguistic preparation offered by the course (European languages and oriental languages) allows you to exercise the skills described also in the international context.
Within the scope of the attributions attributable to the different legal nature of the professional context (public/private; national/international), the graduate in Social Sciences for Global Challenges will be able to contribute to defining, achieving and pursuing objectives in different functional areas: will read and interpret reports and documents that analyze data on complex social phenomena, evaluating the reliability of the sources; collect, analyse and process data; will be able to interface with experts from various sectors at international and local level; develop actions to achieve the planned objectives in planning at local level and in that linked to European projects; support all procedures related to the management of complex processes that require knowledge in multiple disciplinary areas; design and evaluate interventions in the field of social policies and services; offer advice in the public or private sectors; It will facilitate relations between national and international groups and partners.
A) Historical - Political - Social Area: the course will offer in the first year the general theoretical and methodological bases of contemporary history, political science, sociology and anthropology, offering insights into how these disciplines interpret global phenomena and their impact at the local level. In the years following the first, these theoretical and methodological tools will be applied to the issues of the environment, biodiversity and health.
B) Legal Area: the courses related to this area will provide students with an adequate basic training on the legal aspects underlying issues related to emergency communication, environmental sustainability and health, analyzing the local and international regulatory frameworks that permeate and articulate public policies in these areas.
C) Economic Area: also on this front, both the basics of economics and more in-depth skills on the issues of globalization, sustainability and crisis management are provided.
D) Language Area: the course, entirely delivered in English, will offer compulsory teaching in the first year to strengthen specialist and professional communication skills in English. Students will then learn an additional European or non-European language among the many offered by the University.
E) Statistical-Demographic and Mathematical Area: the course offers both basic mathematical knowledge useful for understanding statistical models applied to the social sciences and more detailed knowledge about the collection and reading of complex data.
The graduate will also develop the language and communication skills necessary to be able to convey information and project objectives in academic and non-academic contexts, both in Italy and abroad. These skills will also be developed thanks to the possibility of participating in the many international mobility programs (Erasmus study, Erasmus traineeship, exchanges to the United States and other non-European countries) offered by the University of Pavia. For foreign students, there is a training activity for the learning of the Italian language. The graduate will develop and perfect the ability to autonomously deepen complex and articulated topics through the critical use of a multiplicity of sources; They will also be able to expand and consolidate the knowledge acquired and will have developed the flexibility necessary to acquire new knowledge.
The course of study offers both a basic training (through the courses of the first year that offer the fundamental theoretical tools of the individual disciplines) and a more characterizing training, thanks to courses that allow the student to acquire (in the second and third year) a more in-depth preparation of the topics that characterize the degree course.
The training activities of the course of study are also aimed at allowing the acquisition of transversal skills useful for operating in multidisciplinary and international contexts, to promote teamwork and to contextualize the needs and problems of the institutions in which they operate, helping to identify the most appropriate solutions.
The educational path guarantees a wide range of choices for the student, demonstrated by the high number of free credits and the possibility of choosing between different courses. There are also 6 credits for internships and internships at qualified national and international institutions aimed at the development and acquisition of professional experience in the sectors relevant to the topics of the course. The course will be completed at the end of the third year with the final dissertation.